11 guidance statements support this user need context:
- Consistent help - For systems that provide help, people may need the help to be in a consistent location and use consistent interactions.
- Context sensitive help - For systems that provide help, people may need context sensitive help.
- Description of operable parts layout - For systems that require physical operation, people may need to have the location and arrangement of operable parts given to them.
- Human help - For systems that may require assistance, people may need easy access to trained human help.
- Nonauditory instruction references - For systems that provide instructions, people may need instructions that reference auditory information to include an additional programmatic reference or provide equivalent visual or tactile references.
- Nongustatory nonolfactory alternate instruction references - For systems that provide instructions, people may need instructions that reference smell or taste to include an additional programmatic reference or provide equivalent visual, auditory, and tactile references
- Nontactile alternate instruction references - For systems that provide instructions, people may need instructions that reference touch to include an additional programmatic reference or provide equivalent visual or auditory references
- Nonvisual and Auditory Alternate Intruction References - As a user with no vision and no hearing, I need instructions that reference auditory or visual information to include an additional programmatic reference or provide equivalent tactile references
- Nonvisual instruction references - For systems that provide instructions, people may need instructions that reference visual information to include an additional programmatic reference or provide equivalent auditory or tactile references.
- Speech with visual highlighting - For systems that provide captions, people may need individual words highlighted synchronously with the text that is being spoken.
- User feedback - People may need an accessible way to provide user feedback.