User feedback

People may need an accessible way to provide user feedback.


We have been including feedback in help and instructions but should it be here?


Functional abilityAccommodation typeAccessibility characteristic
Attention and concentrationDefaultHelp and instructions
Executive functionsDefaultHelp and instructions
MemoryDefaultHelp and instructions
VisualDefaultHelp and instructions
Cognitive processingDefaultHelp and instructions
Fine motor controlDefaultHelp and instructions
MobilityDefaultHelp and instructions
AuditoryDefaultHelp and instructions
GustatoryDefaultHelp and instructions
OlfactoryDefaultHelp and instructions
TactileDefaultHelp and instructions
Balance and stabilityDefaultHelp and instructions
Multidimensional body movementDefaultHelp and instructions
ReachDefaultHelp and instructions
StaminaDefaultHelp and instructions
StrengthDefaultHelp and instructions
Language skillsDefaultHelp and instructions
Physical attributesDefaultHelp and instructions
Ability to understand implied contentDefaultHelp and instructions
Ability to understand numeric conceptsDefaultHelp and instructions
Sensory processingDefaultHelp and instructions
Self-regulationDefaultHelp and instructions
Mental healthDefaultHelp and instructions
LearningDefaultHelp and instructions
Contextual knowledgeDefaultHelp and instructions



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