11 guidance statements support this user need context:
- Characters and punctuation - For systems that include language based content, people may need the characters, symbols, and punctuation required to understand ambiguous words and phrases.
- Consistent layout - For systems that present content, people may need consistent layouts and hierarchies using familiar conventions.
- Consistent navigation - For systems with interactive components, people may need navigation and interactions to be internally consistent.
- Consistent visual design - For systems with visual content, people may need content that uses consistent and familiar visual conventions.
- Description of operable parts layout - For systems that require physical operation, people may need to have the location and arrangement of operable parts given to them.
- Meaningful focus order - For systems with interactive components, people may need those components to be available in a meaningful sequence that facilitates operation.
- Meaningful organization - For systems that present content, people may need the content organized into logical, cohesive sections both sensorily and programmatically.
- Meaningful sequence - For systems that present content, people may need the content to be available in a meaningful sequence both sensorily and programmatically.
- Multiple Paths - People may need multiple paths through content with unnecessary distractions and interactions.
- Programmatic structure and relationships - For systems that present content, people may need structure and relationships (title, labels, section headings) presented sensorily and programmatically.
- Title - For systems with pages or page-like groups of content, people may need the page or screen to have a visual and programmatic title that describes the purpose of the page.