14 guidance statements support this accessibility characteristic:
- Adjustable parts - For systems with physical input or output devices, people may need to adjust the location and position of the devices to have all of them within easy view and reach.
- Alternative to holding - For systems that use buttons to input data, people may need an alternative input to holding a button down.
- Avoid excessive heat - For systems that require physical operation, people may need to limit the amount of heat (or other radiation) on controls so that it does not cause discomfort or injury.
- Control sensitivity - For systems that require physical operation, people may need to be able to adjust the sensitivity of controls.
- Description of operable parts layout - For systems that require physical operation, people may need to have the location and arrangement of operable parts given to them.
- No chemical harm - People may need to systems made of safe material, that do not give off chemicals to which they are sensitive or have an allergy.
- No electromagnetic harm - People may need to have systems that do not give off inappropriate electromagnetic radiation.
- Not cause fatigue or discomfort - People may need systems that do not cause fatigue or discomfort when used.
- Reconfigure controls - For system that have physical input or output devices, people may need to remap and reconfigure my controls.
- Status indicators - For systems with toggle controls that have states, people may need the state of the system available to them.
- Unchanging button functionality - For systems that require physical operation, people may need each button or key to have its own functionality rather than functionality that changes depending on context.
- Visual/tactile feedback at control location - As a user with a disability who might not be paying attention to other output devices, I need to have visual or tactile feedback occur at the same location as the control I am using.
- Within reach - For systems with physical controls, people may need to have all controls and other operable parts located within easy view and reach.
- Within viewing range - For systems with physical output devices, people may need to have information and controls within their viewing range.